We are currently experiencing very high demand for wildfire analysts (FBANs, LTANs, and SOPLs) and this heavy demand is projected to continue. Decision Support Centers have been established at Geographic Areas many times over the past decade when demand has exceeded availability.
Given the current limited number of available analysts, it is desirable to start providing this type of analyst coordination at the national level. Analyst support to wildfires is important to identify risks to firefighters and opportunities for effective containment of wildfires.
Starting on July 22, a National Fire Decision Support Center (NFDSC) will be established at Boise, Idaho to coordinate the assignment of analysts to meet needs of wildfires and host units throughout the United States. The intent of this Center is to provide needed analyst support where and when Geographic Areas cannot find that resource from within the Geographic Area.
Analysts can be ordered through NICC, assigned to the NFDSC and tasked to provide support according to national priorities. Geographic Areas may order analyst support from the NFDSC and analysts will be tasked to meet those requests. The analysts will remain on the NFDSC order and use the assigned National Fire Support code.
Individual fires or host units can request support here
In addition to the NFDSC, local units may access the Risk Management Assistance Dashboard
The analytics on the Dashboard are useful in gaining risk information about their fire. Analysts at NFDSC will be available to coach local unit personnel in understanding and using the analytics on the RMA Dashboard.