Decision support training and development
WFDSS is now mandatory for the 5 Federal Land Management Agencies and is being used several states, training unit staff and accessing qualified personnel to support incidents has become critical. To address this need WFM RD&A will be maintaining a list of personnel interested in supporting incidents or in need of On the Job Training (OJT) responding to requests for fire behavior and decision support. To address OJT needs and provide additional support capacity we have created a Call When Needed (CWN) list. The training and OJT opportunities associatted with the CWN list ranges from a few hours to multiple shifts.
If you would like to be considered please fill out the "WFM RD&A Wildland Fire Decision Support Call When Needed (CWN) list" sign up form on the CWN/Mentee/Mentor page found here.
WFDSS Training
A large collection of resources has been assembled on the topics of modeling and various other aspects of decision support. This information can be accessed on the WFDSS website in the training resources section.
Past Workshops & Trainings
Defining Fuel Treatment Success: Workflows, Metrics, and Evaluation - This workshop focused on building a logical and methodical workflow for a fuel treatment project that could have its success evaluated critically. The focus was on the workflow development process without thinking too much about modeling and software details. The process was iterative, allowing for details and complexity to be added after solidifying general ideas and procedures. This workshop has the potential to be adapted to other complex or large-scale management projects or procedures.
Reference Material
S-495: Geospatial Fire Analysis, Interpretation, and Application
This page will give you access to all the available online materials for S495 as well as information relating to the next course.